In the beginning of the year 2010 two veteran radio minds who earlier produced Imaging FX came together and came up with the idea of starting a company that produces Production FX Libraries. One of our first concerns was a catchy name. What about something that people associate with Holland? 'Wooden Shoes FX' or 'Windmill Imaging'? So we had a long sit down and judging from the final name you'll probably think it was in one of the many Dutch coffee shops but it wasn't. We decided it had to be something more quirky and memorable. So finally we went for a name that would stick; Sticky FX!
So another Production FX company was born. But we wanted to do certain things differently from the companies that were already there. We wanted to create great Imaging FX that are within budget for smaller stations and producers but still have the quality you'd expect of a library that costs you a small fortune. So that's why we decided to concentrate on n affordable buy out and royalty free packages that you pay for once and you can use forever. No monthly fees, no contracts lasting for years but great Production Libraries you can use without any hassle of administration.
The first one
In that same year we launched Sticky FX CHR Volume 1 and it was a hit! Great stations like B-96 Chicago and PLJ in New York were one of our early believers and the Sticky Virus spread through out the world.
Wanna get Sticky?
In the 15 years we've been on the market Sticky FX has become synonymous with high quality for a reasonable price. And our FX can be heard on major market stations all over the world. You wanna get Sticky too? Check out our products and demo's. And if you have any questions, we're ready to make it Stick!
Sticky FX Productions
P.O. Box 569
3990 GJ Houten
The Netherlands.
VAT number: NL809741313B01
Chamber of Commerce: 30105386 MN.